Now Organize Organisations Worldwide
Adopted 22 of March 2017
1§ The name of the Organization is:
“Now Organize Organisations Worldwide” – “NOOW”
2§ The principal place of the organization is Sweden- Stockholm.
Address Essinge Brogata 39. 112 61 Stockholm:
c/o Carola Hedqvist
3§ Noows purpose is to work for a “Sustainable Noow Time”. Meaning, in the fastest possible way to solve the planets sustainable challenges.
3.1 Try to unify all possible organizations of the world working for the same vision as NOOW does.
3.2 Such as to operating projects described below as well as to work for the prospect of being represented at the United Nations and at the Parliament of the European Union in order to accelerate and affect the decision makers to:
a) working for a continuous reduction of the CO2 level in the atmosphere.
b) working for a stablisation of the population growth, to a sustainable level within the planetary Boundaries, through raising the educational level of women and promoting different healthcare projects in developing nations. Working for a fair distribution of resources in assisting inedducation, social- humanitarian and economical issues.
c) introducing the best environmental engineering as well as working for renewablel effective energy power through all sections of the global civilisation.
d) working for a sustainable preserving of the world’s resting forest lands, and for a responsible felling, where reforestation will be imperative.
e) working for protecting and restoring of the biodiversity as well as to protect ecosystems
f) working for protecting and the founding of marine reserves
g) working for introducing a lasting way of life containing more quality of life and happiness
h) work as a non-profit organization, with less possible midlemans in projects and with a minimum 90% of donations shall go direct to the helptakers or projects.
4§ Financial year
Calendar year will be applied
5§ Rules of the Organization
Each country (note1) will appoint a council consisting of one president, one vice president, one secretary, one treasurer, four permanent members and one deputy member.
The world council in Sweden consists of eight members of the council; one president, one vice president, one secretary, one cashier, four permanent members and one deputy member.
5.1 The council in each country must comply with the statutes of the world council. The national councils in each country shall work for bringing together all the Organizations which shares and accept the same values as NOOW
5.2 Members could be private persons, or organizations who agrees to the Noow statutes and like to support Noows visions, can be member in any country. Voluntary dues apply.
5.3 The NOOW Organization is a non-profit-making association which will manage independentely of religious or political conviction, without profit purposes and without any fees.
5.4 Donations as gifts, alowances may be gratefully accepted or rejected by the headcouncil if being found against the purposes of the Noow statutes like corruption, so called greenwashing or opposes of our goals.
5.5 All international councils shall have an annual meeting within the month of October. While the Headcouncil shall have its yearly meeting within the last week of February or latest second week in April. The economic proceeds of these meetings will be fully transparent to all the members of the association as well as by the headcouncil of NOOW association.
5.6 The members of the council are expected to choose their best
way of ecological way of life both in action and decisions
5.7 Sonest work for an implementation of a sustainable, fair, humane and a good quality of life.
5.8 All the projects and achievements will be possible to follow up, transparent open to the public and followed up by each national council together with a written report the world council (note 2).
Note 1) Sovereign state means a region with a self-government - not an independent country - when the very word of a country is mentioned.
Note 2) The Head Council in Sweden will be the national council in Sweden until further notice
6§ Establishment of the national council
Each national council will be appointed by the executive
committee. The appointment shall be approved by the
headcouncil of the NOOW Organization and the executive
meeting shall comply with the following items:
A) Presence of the members
B) Election to the chair
C) Allocation of tasks
D) signing for the association
E) Close of meeting
F) Adoption of minutes by the chairman and secretary
7§ Signing the Organization
The council signes the NOOW Organization with the chairman or vice-chairman in association with the cashier.
8§ About auditors
Two permanent auditors and two deputy auditors are to be elected at the yearly meeting.
9§ Membership
After a written application for membership at the Organization in each iternational council and allso the headcouncil will decide to approve the membership or not.
10§ Summons of the yearly meeting
a) The world wide council (note1) Notice of the meeting shall be sent at least one month before the yearly meeting. The advice shall be made in the most suitable way and the right to vote will be restricted to one vote per council. Only noticed members will be able to attend.
b) The Headcouncil/National councils: Notice shall be sent a month before the yearly meeting. The advice shall be made in a suitable way to all the member organizations and the right to vote will be restricted to one per member.Only noticed will be able to atend the meeting. Notice to the additional yearly meeting shall be made two months before the meeting at the latest.
Note 3) The World wide council consists of one deletage from each country
11§ Election committee
Election for the council members will be handled by an election committee, which shall consist of a convening chairman, and by four other members. Recommendations of candidates may be choosen from the members of the international member organizations.
12§ The yearly meeting
Following points must be paid attention to at all Noow council meetings:
A) Election of a chairman and a secretary to the yearly meeting.
B) Election of tow inspectors who together with the chairman shall
approve the minutes.
C) The matter of the yearly meeting being duly advertised.
D) Determination of the electoral roll
E) The annual report of the council
F) Statement by the auditors
G) Discharge from liability for the previous year’s administrators
H) Election of chariman for the council
I) Election of members of the council
J) Election of an auditor and a deputy auditor
K) Appointment of a representative for the concil worldwide (not 4)
L) Election of the nomination committee
M) Matters which have been submitted by motion. All the members of the organizations and all the councils have the right to submit a motion. The motion should be written and be recieved at least three (3) months before the yearly meeting, within the year the motion is to be considerated
N) Matters referred to the yearly meeting by the council/s.
O) The meeting ends
13§ Changes of the statutes of the headcouncil
Changes of the statutes may be made through decisions made by the annual general meeting or an extraordinary general meeting with a majority decision of 2/3.
14§ Exclusion from the Organization
Each council, member or private member of the Noow Organization may be excluded from in case of delaying decisions, deliberately working against it by causing damage in slandering, neglecting it economically, breaking against the statutes of it or working against the purposes of the it.(Note 4)
Note 4. Is only intended for the world council and national councils
15§ Dissolution of the NOOW Organization
Each Head council and each National council may be dissoluted by the regular or the extra yearly present meeting. Such a dicision may be taken by a majority of 2/3 of the present member Organizations (note 5)at a yearly meeting or extra yearly meeting in respective country. Assets and liabilities shall be divided fairly between the differenct members of the Organization in respective country. At a total dissolution all the members of the organization in respective country shall share evenly.
Note 5) member organization not taking physically part at the yearly meeting or extra yearly meeting, may send its vote by message, e-mail or through letter three (3) weeks before the opening of the meetings